Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Petit Mal Seizures More Condition_symptoms Do You Know Anything About Absence Seizures (petit Mal's)?

Do you know anything about absence seizures (petit mal's)? - petit mal seizures more condition_symptoms

Today, my daughter (20 months), an attack in his high chair, because he got into trouble by dumping food on the floor. I think we can say that my daughter is a bit of a Drama Queen "and the fact that it's always worse." He waved his arms and legs, hyperventilation, screaming at the top of the normal lung ... and how, in Trys to be patient. (what) I think attention. And I ignored him, as I often wondered if he behaves well done. But today, not outside, where in the middle of his tantrum, it's like he lost consciousness , body and spirit is too weak and she looked at () at the ceiling like daydreaming or spacing. She did not answer its call name or feel when they leave. The episode lasted "only 3 maybe 4 seconds and as soon as she was, she put her scream, as if nothing interrupted.

Call your doctor right away and of course answering machine (you can never remember), so I leave a message andappeal is pending there. Until that time, I have a few searches on the Internet and all I can find that fits the description of absence seizures my daughter (absent). So what I wonder is someone can give me information about them? And my girl "episode", as it might sound like? And what should I do? I took him to his pediatrician, and I will talk about the possibilities and things, but if someone could me the possible answers that I could ease it would be greatly appreciated. It is shocking and I'm more of a bundle of nerves.

Oh, and I have a history of epilepsy in my family. My mother is with grand mal epilepsy treated, and when I was a kid, my cousin and several other aunts and uncles.


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